The Department of Pathology is an NABL (ISO 15189:2012) accredited laboratory and aims at providing quality services in histopathology and cytopathology in a timely manner and consistent with the needs of best clinical practice. Our focus in histopathology is predominantly on the following areas:
* Cardiac Pathology
* Renal Pathology
* Uropathology
* Gastrointestinal and Liver Pathology
* Gynaecological Pathology
* Breast Pathology
* General Surgical Pathology, when the need arises
athology services in these core areas have the technical expertise and resources to cover a range of histopathological techniques including.
*Intra-operative frozen section, on request
* Routine H&E staining
* A battery of histochemical stains to supplement the H&E
* Renal pathology with electron microscopy and genetics
* Immunohistochemistry with a panel of markers
* Breast pathology - Oncopathology including immunohistochemistry and molecular oncology
* Direct and Indirect Immunofluorescence, mainly for medical renal and auto-immune diseases
* Histopathology consultation services, on request.
The state-of-the-art equipment for histopathology includes ThermoNx 50 Cryostat, Leica Rotary Microtomes, Leica Wax Embedding and a Leica Tissue Processor. We also have 3 Nikon Research Microscopes with Immunofluorescence, Polarizing and Photomicrograph facility.
* Fine Needle Aspiration cytology
* Gynaecological cytology including Pap smear for Hormonal evaluation and cancer screening
* Fluid cytology including Pleural, Pericardial, Peritoneal fluids, Ovarian cyst fluids, Cerebrospinal and other body fluids.
* Urine Cytology
In this connection we have a separate FNAC Collection Centre and a Thermo-scientific Cytocentrifuge with good-quality staining techniques.
The Pathology department strives towards continuous quality improvement in all processes and services that support patient care. These are maintained continuously by Internal and External Quality Assurance Programmes with well-established recognized histopathology laboratories in the country.
In The Madras Medical Mission, Pathology Department, we have a team of dedicated and experienced pathologists and technical staff who are committed to provide high-quality results for effective patient care. The department actively participates in clinicopathological discussions with the clinical specialists with the aim of providing more accurate diagnoses to enable better patient management. Academic activities in the form of clinicopathological symposia and workshops are periodically conducted. The histopathology and cytopathology laboratories also provide academic training grounds for students from the College of Health Sciences