Department of Anaesthesiology - The Madras Medical Mission
Services offered:

Our State of art Modular Plenum Operation Theaters offer Ultra clean operating conditions matching all international sterility protocols and standards. Our theaters are fully equipped with High end Anaesthesiaworkstations with AGSS, Inline Fluid warmers, Body Warmers, Ultrasound machine for nerve blocks and vascular access and Defibrillators.

PAC: Preanaesthetic Check- Regular preoperative visits of anxious patients posted for day care and Major surgeries, risk stratification of their ASA status, detailed workup and optimization of high risk patients.

Department of Cardiac Anesthesia ensures safe and effective anesthesia delivery for cardiac procedures.

Our department typically handles a variety of procedures, including coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG), heart valve repair or replacement, heart transplantation, repair of congenital heart defects, aortic aneurysm repair, and the insertion of pacemakers or defibrillators. Key functions include:

  • Tailored anesthesia management considering heart function, surgery type, and patient history.
  • Real-time monitoring and adjustment of anesthesia levels.
  • Postoperative pain management through regional anesthesia or medication.
  • Multidisciplinary collaboration with surgeons, cardiologists, and other healthcare professionals.
  • Emergency response to perioperative emergencies like cardiac arrest or significant hemodynamic instability.
  • Research and education in cardiac anesthesia practices.
Department of IKUOT (Kidney Ureter and Organ Transplant) and IGLD (Gastrointestinal and Liver Disease)
  • Our anaesthetic services are offered for wide range of high risk cardiac patients coming for Non-cardiac general surgeries planned for whole spectrum of gastrointestinal procedures which include Minimal access surgeries, Laparoscopic surgeries and Open surgeries and complex Oncoloplastic procedures.
  • Renal Transplants.
  • Vascular procedures such as Thrombectomies, Anuerysm repairs, PTFE Grafts, Carotid endarterectomies, Radiofrequency ablations.
  • Uroendoscopic, Urooncolological, Laser assisted kidney Stone removal procedures, Nephrectomies, Stenting.
  • Sedation for Endovascular Peripheral Vascular Stenting under Fluoroscopic guidance.
  • USG guided central and peripheral vascular access ports and Dialysis catheter insertion.
  • USG guided peripheral nerve blocks for Intraoperative and postoperative pain relief.
  • Postoperative ICU Care management of major surgical patients and ventilated patients. IRM (Institute of Reproductive Medicine And Women’s Health)
  • Anaesthesia for Laparoscopic hysterectomy, myomectomy, tubal clipping, sterilization, salpingo ovarian surgeries, diagnostic and operative hysteroscopies.
  • Day care Anaesthesia for Specialised Invitro FertilisationProcedures such as Egg collection, Fresh and Frozen Embryo Transfers, TESA.
  • High risk Obstetric Anaesthesia for Emergency and Elective Cesarean sections and Gynecological procedures, benign and Oncoplastic Breast Surgeries.
  • Multidisciplinary approach to patients needing Massive Blood transfusions.
  • Monitored anaesthesia Care for Interventional Radiology Procedures.
Anesthetic services outside OT:
  • Monitored Anaesthesia Care for Gastro endoscopic procedures such as ERCP, EUS, Enteroscopy, pediatric Gastroscopies and Colonoscopies.
  • Establishing vascular access for patients with difficult venous access.